Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Word Swapping

There is a rather well-known (courtesy of Slumdog Millionaire) Hindi song called Jai Ho (जय हो). In Hindi, "Jai ho!" means something like "May you have victory!" or even "Hallelujah!"

Unfortunately, this song happened to get stuck in my head today. This was unfortunate not because it's a bad song (I rather like it) but because I spent probably six or seven hours reading, writing, and memorizing Chinese today.

At some point I realized that "jai" and "ho" are both valid sound combinations in Chinese as well as Hindi ("zhai" and "hou"), which gave me the wonderfully procrastinatory () idea of finding out what I might be singing, were I singing in Chinese.

Somehow I don't think the dance at the end of Slumdog Millionaire would have been quite as meaningful if Jamal and Latika, finally reunited, had grasped hands and yelled, "Pluck crabs!"

Monday, November 29, 2010

My New Habit:

wearing five layers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Learn 中文 At CMU!

Fall '09
[gong ke hen duo]
There is a lot of homework.

Spring '10
[wo e le]
I am hungry.

Fall '10
[wo lei si le]
I am tired to death.

... Is anyone else seeing a trend here?